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Redeem Microsoft SATV Vouchers For Regular and Boot Camp Courses

Redeem Microsoft SATV vouchers

Each year companies miss out on thousands of dollars worth of free Microsoft training because they don't redeem their Microsoft Software Assurance training vouchers (SATV). Has your organization purchased a Microsoft software volume licensing agreement? If so, you may be eligible to redeem Microsoft Software Assurance Training Vouchers and get free training for select Microsoft training courses. Redeem your SA vouchers through CED Solutions and get the technical training your organizations needs!

What is Microsoft Software Assurance?

Microsoft introduced Software Assurance (SA) as an easy and affordable way for their Volume Licensing customers to stay current with the latest and most innovative Microsoft products. Under the SA program, customers acquire the right to install any new release of products covered in the agreement during the term of their coverage.

Free Training with Software Assurance Training Vouchers

SA training vouchers are available to qualified Microsoft software licensing subscription holders. SA vouchers are electronic and distributed by Microsoft. Microsoft SA Vouchers can be redeemed for any instructor-led training course that was created by Microsoft for the IT professional or developer audience. This includes technical training Boot Camps as well as Microsoft Official Curriculum classes.

Don't Miss Out on Free Training

Each year companies miss out on thousands of dollars in free Microsoft training because they don’t redeem their Software Assurance (SA) training vouchers. The Training Vouchers benefit expires with your Software Assurance coverage. Register your employees for a certification Boot Camp before it's too late!

Let us help

For more instructions on how to activate your SATVs, visit:

No time to manage your Software Assurance Training Vouchers? From activation and management to registering your employees for classes - we can help you through the process. CED Solutions has SATV specialists who can guide you every step of the way.

Call 1-800-611-1840 to talk to your CED Solutions SATV specialist or email us at [email protected].

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